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Paulo Monteiro

Associate Professor,Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Title: laser Systems, cryogenic high-power solid-state lasers, thermal effects in cryogenic and fiber lasers


Paulo P. Monteiro received the diploma “Licenciatura” in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Aveiro in 1988, the M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering, from the University of Wales UK, in 1990 and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Aveiro, in 1999. Presently, he is Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro and Senior Researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações. His main research interests include Optical Communication Networks and Microwave Photonics. He tutored and co-tutored successfully more than 14 PhD’s, having participated in more than 28 research projects (national and international). He has authored/co-authored more than 18 patent applications and over 110 papers in journals and 380 conference contribution. He is a member of the ECOC Technical Program Committee and Senior Member of IEEE.