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Yosef Ben Ezra

Dean of Engineering,Holon institute of Technology, Israel

Title: laser Systems, cryogenic high-power solid-state lasers, thermal effects in cryogenic and fiber lasers


Prof. Yosef Ben Ezra, Dean of Engineering faculty at Holon institute of Technology and CTO at Mer Group, received his Ph.D. from the Tel-Aviv University. During 2003-2005 Prof. Ben-Ezra was the principle researcher in joint industry-academy project TRANSMOR focused on automatic detection and classification of power transients in WDM optical communication networks. Between 2007-2009 Prof. Yosef Ben-Ezra was the principle researcher in a joint industry-academy project, DIAMOND, that developed high-spectral-efficient modulation techniques for modern optical communications.  In the framework of MAGNET project Tera-Santa Prof. Ben-Ezra developed the novel method of OFDM based on Multiwavelets. He is currently working on the silicon photonic implementation of the Multiwavelet OFDM in Peta-Cloud consortium.  He has co-authored over 85 papers in international journals and conferences in fields of semiconductor physics and nonlinear effects, and optical communication. He is the author 15 chapters in scientific books and of 12 patents.